“Blue Bird” - a song about release
No, I don’t mean farting.
Story Pairing
In 2017 is when I started playing my own music. I had to learn how to play guitar (outside of 3 chords), and write all new songs when the band I was in broke up.
Before I really dug into writing new originals, I was kicking around the idea of being a cover musician of some sort. I knew how to play harmonica better than anything else, so I got the idea of just covering one of the famous musicians that were interesting harmonica players. I started to think of only playing Neil Young songs… I am so glad I didn’t.
Don’t get me wrong, nothing wrong with ole Neil, but there is something about writing your own songs that speaks to me more than I ever thought it would. It’s one of those things that you don’t realize your soul is screaming for you to do until you do it.
This is one of the first songs I can recall writing, and I wasn’t able to find the original version in written or audio format… but trust me when I tell you it was almost certainly horrible.
The lyrics came to me while thinking on a relationship that wasn’t working out, and playing that old saying “If you love something, let it go” on repeat in my head. I remember going for a walk and sweating like a pig (probably from temperature, but I don’t remember anything beyond the sweat trickling down my back). That inspired the line about her putting her hand under my shirt, a sensual act that would be quickly doused by a slimy back… one of my signature moves.
Every time I play this song, I think of Nathan Hunter (now you know Nathan). He is an amazing accordion player/pianist that now lives in Chicago. If you’ve been around long enough you know that Nathan and I were a duo until he moved, and his accordion skills were magic. This was a song he often wanted to play, and my favorite version is the one with him. I will have to dig through old hard drives to see if I have a performance floating around.
This tune will be one that is on my upcoming LP that will be released sometime this summer (summer 2023).
I find myself humming this tune most days where the one prior involved me pushing away or taking for granted the people in my life that I love. For all the Blue Birds out there, I am sorry.
Song Structure
Key of G, come hold us tight and never let us go.
Intro: Just is a little alternating betwixt the G and it’s best buddy C
Verse - G/C/G/C/G/C/G/D/C/G
Bridge - D/C/D/C/D/C/G
I like to come down super low when I play this live, right after the bridge and then bring it back up halfway through the verse.
Voice Memos
Notebook Page (no way)
Kick the shiny, turns to rust
Beauty sitting there was a thing layer of dust
Another permanent pin, in the cushion of regret
Digs in deeper as you attempt to forget
Kick the mud off of your boots
You picked it up walking where you weren't supposed to
And left a clear trail, by every place that you passed
You can't run from the answers, to the questions that you asked
She puts her hands under my shirt
I put my words under her skin
It was strategic work at first, and if I slipped I began again
Hold it steady, watch your eyes
As I hammer up my favorite disguise
Me and the sun we aren't talking anymore
Said enough to declare a state of war
She never shines in my direction
Like before
Had a blue bird, on a string
You can't tie down a beautiful wild thing
She broke free one day, and flew off with that sun
Now there's two singing songs, bout the evil that I've done
Now there's two singing songs, bout the evil that I've done