“Come Wind” - a song about longing

Recorded in the Black Hills of South Dakota (on a particularly windy day).

*360 video included. (Make sure to adjust the quality settings up, they can default to lower res).

Story Pairing

File management.

This song came from the void of my ability to properly manage digital files paired with being scolded like a foolish child… as I stand 6’5’’ and occasionally competent.

One of the jobs I had also came with a unique management style that ultimately pushed me into taking music more seriously. There was a day that I saved a file in the wrong place within the company’s internal directory… without going into the details, it ended with me being called out in a pretty rude way in front of my coworkers. It stung a bit more since it wasn’t a mistake that created a further issue, it just was a drag and drop solution and could have been a sweet “now you know” sort of moment. Alas it wasn’t. So I spent most of the remainder of that afternoon feeling like a bug, questioning why I let another grown human talk to me that way, and staring at this leaf outside my window.

There was a little corner in the building that was creating a sort of wind swirl that the leaf wasn’t able to get out of. It would be lifted up, spinning and spinning, and then gently fall back to the ground to repeat the process. I watched that dance for what seemed like hours (when I could have been studying file management, tisk tisk). As I watched it I started writing this song in my head. I didn’t stop watching until the song was done, I had uncovered each line bit by bit while repeating all the lyrics up to the newest addition. In that way, the song was pretty well stuck in my head and I was able to make it into a final piece when I got home that day.

Fast forward to my exit interview. I had decided that I was going to make the leap into music and put in my two weeks. I don’t remember much of the conversation we had, most of it was making sure all my company devices were turned in and the like, however one comment sticks out. I was told “I don’t see you making it as a performer but am sure you can find a job in a supporting role like sound or lights”. I am not sure why that was shared or what the motive was (if any at all), but it’s a comment that I hold pretty close. It’s one that I fall on whenever this job seems to be getting to me or that it might be too hard. Call it stubborn pride or what, but I refuse to let that statement be true. Perhaps down the line I will find my path veer to something new, but it won’t be because I can’t.

I sit and type this up in Port Townsend, WA. Miles and miles from home, and right in the middle of a tour. One that I put together, one where I am doing all the performing, one that is going amazingly, one where I am living an absolute dream, and when I look through my itinerary and all of the marketing/social assets that I have saved and ready to share, I notice… my file management is impeccable.

Song Structure


Verse - G / Am / D

Chorus - G / Am / D

(doesn’t get much easier than that)

Voice Memos

No Notebook Page

Written in 2017

Lost to the wind (clever Ben, clever)


Come Wind I need to talk to you

Come wind, blow by my door

I know you don't want to hear from me

Listen once and you won't have to anymore

I see you dancing there with the leaves

I caught you, twisting turning there

And if you could take me far away from here

I could ride on open air


Twisting water, come wash over me

Twisting water, I am dirty from my sin

I know you dont owe me a thing

With your help I can be clean again

There’s a list of things I wouldn't do

And a longer one of evil that I've done

Can you find it in your heart to watch over me

And put to bed each and everyone


Old stone, teach me how you do not move

Old stone, share your ancient ways

If I held the secret to stand strong and still

I could sing of the brighter days

When they lay broken pieces at my door

I turn and find a way to hide

If only I knew how to plant my feet

I could do the things I’ve never tried

Come Wind I need to talk to you

Come wind, blow by my door

I know you don't want to hear from me

Listen once and you won't have to anymore

Thank you to my Patreon folks that help fund the time and equipment that goes into making these songs and publishing the process. If you believe in original music and would like to be a part of it, feel free to join us here.


“Piece of Solid Ground” - a song about searching


“Poor Girl” - a song about hope