“Corner” - a song about flowers
I love growing. One of the things that probably draws me into music and songwriting is the constant ability to learn and get better at something that means so much. I feel that this growth translates into a desire for the same in other aspects of my life. It’s fun becoming a better version of myself.
Story Pairing
It’s embarrassing to catch myself in close-minded thought.
I was in Charleston, WV sitting in my car, eating chocolate covered espresso beans, waiting to see a show at mountain stage. I was near the corner of an intersection, and on one of the corners there were flower bushes. Weaving in and out of the bushes was a homeless woman and she was picking flowers off of the bushes and placing them into a paper cup.
Earlier in the day as I was walking around the city, I was asked by another homeless person for money. With a cold second nature, I just kept walking. I didn’t even say I didn’t have cash, I just ignored them. A person. I walked right on by like they didn’t exist, and thought nothing more of it.
Watching this woman picking flowers was like a slap in the face. Here was a human, collecting something beautiful to add a bit of color and natural handsomeness to her world. She wanted a portal of grace to add to her collection, regardless of where that collection is gathered. I was a forceful reminder that we are all out here walking through whatever our respective valleys are, the peaks between and the moments of hardship and glory may look different, but we aren’t above or below the formula of life.
I have plenty of moments ahead of me where I can approach them with a more open mind, and hopefully an equal number of opportunities to add flowers to a situation instead of ice.
Song Structure
I tend to do alternating thumb work when finger picking. A droning bass feels un-natural, so I have been forcing myself to do more of it.
This is a tune with steady E bass, which allowed me to explore a little higher up on the neck, the shapes that work with that. I found some patterns where I could switch between the E and the A chord progressions and add a basic soloing melody within the finger style movement. It was fun.
Voice Memos
Notebook Page.
Oct 2022
Come to my corner, I've got a little fight left in my
Come to my corner please
Taking me away for a thing that isn't true
Come to my corner fore they do
Been up all night waiting for the morning rise
Come to my corner it will be alright
Tomorrow I'll be gone, tonight its just you and me
Come to my corner you I wanna see
Give me just one memory to take so I can know
Come to my corner before I go
Time keeps moving, it's frozen where I'll die
Come to my corner fore I close my eyes
Come to my corner, I've got a little fight left in my
Come to my corner please
Come to my corner, I've got a little fight left in my
Come to my corner pleas