“Tears in My Eyes” - a song about sharing
This song was written in San Diego, CA. It was after I had a midday feast at a place called Kings and Queens Cantina. I had Carne Asada, probably 50 lbs of chips and salsa, and a couple margaritas.
Story Pairing
I have been looking back at some of my past musings, and I have noticed that I tend to drag my feet in telling exactly what the song is about. I think that is because there is a large part of me that doesn’t want to take away what the song could mean to you. Because of that I am going to keep sharing the process of creation, but not a 100% insight as to what I was thinking when I wrote it. Instead I will share a story that lines up with either the time I wrote it, or a story that has this song’s foot in the door.
So that said, I really really encourage you to make every song (not only mine) your own. In my opinion the thing a song does best is stir the emotional pot. Everyone’s ingredients are different, and even though a song may be created to ideally target one emotion or a specific set, that doesn’t mean it can’t hit others. These songs, once written, no longer belong to us, they belong to the listener, to you. Take these words I share with a grain of salt. They are written to capture a moment in time for me, not to sway your interpretations. And if you ever want to share what a song means to you, I would gladly listen and cherish that.
Anyway… this is the story that goes with this song:
I write a lot of songs in hotel bathrooms. I’ve said it before, and it’s true. It sounds good, I don’t have to leave, and for whatever reason I feel creative in a small space away from distraction. This song was written in a bathroom in San Diego, CA. I was on a trip and I had a free day. I thought I was going to go explore the city and do all these big things, but I didn’t. I grabbed my guitar, went into the bathroom and started writing.
When I write a song, I end up playing through certain parts a lot. Like annoyingly a lot. But those are the sections of the song I either really like or want to get the cadence just right, so I loop it and burn it into my brain. When writing this song, I was repeating the chorus over and over to try our a few different styles. (You can hear from my voice memos that this was a pretty different song than what it is now). After probably an hour or so of looping this song in my hotel bathroom, with a grate to the shared ventilation system, I get a very aggressive knock on my door.
I go to the door, the peep hole shows that it’s a stranger and not a hotel worker and because strangers can be crazy, I am putting on my tough guy facade. I open the door boldly, standing in all of my 6’5”, scowling, arm tattoos exposed, glory… you can see the second guessing taking place.
Now we know what was probably going on in this guy’s head leading up this, he was probably beyond annoyed at having to hear my damn song all afternoon when he is just trying to chill in his hotel. So he’s over there brooding. Letting that steam build. Picturing the little songwriter next door, playing maliciously to all that can hear. That’s when he gets the hum of bravado that slowly grows in volume, becomes a roar in his ears. That singing twerp is about to get a piece of my mind. He rises, maybe paces, gathering the anger. He heads to the hallway, get’s up to my door, and pushes that rage down through his arm into his rapping knuckles. Looking straight ahead by default, ready to burn his gaze into my eyes and give me a piece of his mind…
“Hello” is all I remember saying. Stone faced and trying to seem tough, because at the time I didn’t know what this guy wanted and he could be there for anything. He them stammered, you could see the wind sort of leaving his sails, and he just asked neutrally “are you almost done?”
Ah, got it now. So I told him yes, and sorry if I was bothering him, just got in the zone. He proceeded to tell me it was a good song though, asked a few questions and brief small talk took place. Whatever we did talk about I don’t remember, but I do remember him offering to buy me a beer at the bar later, and indeed he did.
So regardless if you like this song, I know it was good for at least a beer and some conversation with a stranger.
Song Structure
Since I am changing the “story” section of the musing, I guess this needs a little tweak too, and it’s going to just be a brief layout of the song structure.
Key: I play in D now normally
Capo: 2nd fret
Shape: This is another one of my C shape tunes with an alternating thumb.
A little thing I am conscious of when playing this, is on the chorus I pull the 5 chord down to the 7th to accent the word “disease”. I love doing that in songs, switch the feel of the chords to match the literal feeling of the word.
I’m particularly proud of the last verse, it’s simple, but I love how it nods to all the other verses. Even though the singer doesn’t have money, they have plenty of other things to share, and you can have it all.
Voice Memos
Notebook Page.
June 2019
I got tears in my eyes, they’re falling for you
I got tears in my eyes, they’re falling for you
Staring all day hoping you’ll see
So I can get a little sympathy
I got tears in my eyes, they’re falling for you
No shoes on my feet, but I’m walking around
No shoes on my feet, but I’m walking around
You go left, and I go right
Chances are we won’t meet tonight
I got no shoes, but I’m walking around
Won’t you come around my door, won’t you come around me please
I’m sure you have the cure for this terrible disease
Bring me cakes and pies, and cards and paper hats
I could use a little something like that
Got this pain in my heart, So I'm writing a tune
Got this pain in my heart, So I'm writing a tune
Throw it down on a page
Hoping you can appreciate
This pain in my heart, So I'm writing a tune
Well my engine won’t turn, so I’ll park for a while
Well my engine won’t turn, so I’ll park for a while
Rest my bones in a stranger's bed
Better here than laying down dead
Well my engine won’t turn, so I’ll park for a while
Won’t you come around my door, won’t you come around me please
I’m sure you have the cure for this terrible disease
Bring me cakes and pies, and cards and paper hats
I could use a little something like that
Got no money in the bank, but you can have what I have
Got no money in the bank, but you can have what I have
I’ve got crying eyes, and aching feet
My heart and car just skipped a beat
Got no money in the bank, but you can have what I have
Won’t you come around my door, won’t you come around me please
I’m sure you have the cure for this terrible disease
Bring me cakes and pies, and cards and paper hats
I could use a little something like that