“Tomorrow” - a song about drinking
My new favorite drink has been ginger beer and tequila. I hung out with it too much a couple weeks back, and this song popped up to remind me to take it easy (my headache helped back up the point).
This was recorded in a cow pasture in Nebraska, just a bit outside of Omaha. We were camping there on our way back to Ohio from Colorado.
This was supposed to be a 360 video, but because I was messing around with settings the day before, I didn’t realize I had it on a wide shot… so you don’t get to see the cow pies everywhere and the neighbor’s horses in the distance, but you can picture them.
I basically already gave the backstory to this one, but I can elaborate a touch. I am not a big drinker I should preface (in case my mom is reading and starts worrying). That said, in this line of work we often have access to drinking a plenty, and even though I may not suck down massive quantities, the frequency could be reigned in.
It was the first week of April where I just had a busy week and ended up going out every night, either playing or seeing friends play. My drink of choice was the aforementioned Ginger Beer and Tequila, and lovely mix if anyone is looking for something refreshing and peppy. That said, I would highly recommend not consuming 20 in a week.
This tune came to me Friday morning, when I was feeling pretty hairy, and for anyone who has seen how smooth my legs, are it was exclusively my splitting headache.
This song started bubbling up, and I am fortunate that was all that did. It took shape over a hazy 30 minutes at most, and I ended up humming the rest of the day and testing it out at the show I had that night. It works, and is a light hearted take on pushing your worries to tomorrow, today is for getting rowdy.
Writing Process
I had been practicing walk downs in the key of E a few days prior to this song. I often head over to David Hamburger and his Youtube channel. The video that I was watching was this one.
Since that was floating around in my head, and the blues is a perfect space to loosely sit after drinking too much, this song sort of fell out.
The melody of the fingerpicking was random, and I use a loose E shape so that I can snag the high note easier with my pinky and the second note with my ring which would normally be holding down the chord shape. I have been trying to lean into the finger picking a bit more. It matches nice with my stomp, and especially the way it fits in next to Dan’s slide playing and Brendan’s chopping Mando. (I love the way that trio is taking shape).
The only big change that I made was with the chorus. You can hear that the earlier recordings, I was doing a flip up with my voice on the hook. It was “coolish”, but annoying to sing and also felt a little too weak within the feel of the song. Coming at it from a lower register felt more appropriate, like someone waking up groggy with that morning voice, and basically recognizing they are going to lose a day to recovery.
Editors Note: Don’t drink heavily. It’s bad. You can have fun without booze. That’s all. Thank you.
Notebook Page.
April, 2022
I'm drinking my weight, staying up all night
Maybe it's wrong, but it sure feel right
Aint thinking bout tomorrow, Aint thinking bout tomorrow
Getting in fights, aint pulling my blows
Yea they're gonna hang me everywhere I go
Aint thinking bout tomorrow, Aint thinking bout tomorrow
Wake up in the morning with splitting head
Go back to bed, until tomorrow
Laying my money on every round
Keeping my buddies from feeling down
Aint thinking bout tomorrow, Aint thinking bout tomorrow
Tell my woman I'll be home soon
But my womans been gone since June
Aint thinking bout tomorrow, Aint thinking bout tomorrow
Wake up in the morning with splitting head
Go back to bed, until tomorrow
As I look around this place tonight
All you people is a beautiful sight
Aint thinking bout tomorrow, Aint thinking bout tomorrow
Come on now and raise that glass
Tell the work it can kiss our ass
Aint thinking bout tomorrow, Aint thinking bout tomorrow
Wake up in the morning with splitting head Go back to bed, until tomorrow
Wake up in the morning with splitting head Go back to bed, until tomorrow