“Flyin” - a song about elegance
I try and go on a walk most mornings, pick a favorite trail and go. Last week I was on Pine Grove and there where these three hawks, circling a clearing in the woods, singing to each other, and reminding the woods who is grace.
I stopped to watch them for a while, and the sun was lighting the edges of their wings in just a way that they looked almost ethereal. I could see how the image of an angel could be created by early man simply watching a spinning bird in a sunny sky.
This song was already written before that walk, but those hawks did have a say as to the picture I used.
Marketing, sales, booking, scheduling, there are so many things that go into working for yourself. Being a musician is no exception, if anything it’s even more draining, because it’s using a very different region of the brain than we would typically prefer.
Personally the way I combat being overwhelmed by doing all of the “business” work, is by setting aside time in my day to do something that excites/inspires me. Typically that will be a hike or drawing, but often it is outdoors. This song was really coming together while on a boat ride with a friend Mike Owens. I was sketching the coast line at Westbranch Reservoir (I love drawing trees, more than anything lately) and watching birds that water always seems to attract. In this case I was hoping to catch an osprey fishing, but no dice. That searching did have me looking skyward and something about flight has always fascinated me, and I have a number of songs inspired by birds, or flight, or wind (general sky characters).
When passing under a bridge, you see all the swallows and their mud nests underneath. They really are impressive structures, and only what they need. That planted the seed of people that create these massive homes, fill them with things, and then never leave. Slowly turning grey while watching other people out experiencing things. That was were I knew I wanted the song to end up, so everything up that point was acknowledgment and welcoming of beauty while the last verse would be envy.
I heard a lovely quote on a The Working Songwriters podcast with Joe Pug along the lines of “Learning new things gives you more doors for songs/inspiration to come through”. I feel the same with experiences and getting away from the routine. Putting yourself in a place where the current or the wind blows a little differently forces you to observe and feel your surroundings that same way. This song came from just taking a couple steps off the normal path. I hope in reading this, you can find a way to take an unusual step towards something soon.
Writing Process
I built this song all around that slide up from the F to the G in the chorus. It’s my favorite part to sing and it breaks up all the rest of the progression that is just variations on similarities. I have a song called “Sure Do” that has some similarities as it’s one of the only other tunes I have that is this sort of jazz folk style. (I am sure true Jazz lovers would fight me before letting me call this jazz, but that is how I think of it).
The walk down was originally a chromatic situation, but the last chord (a B9 sort of situation) didn’t really fit, so I hit the C twice. This was at the suggestion of Dan Socha (Thanks Dan!).
I don’t get to sing falsetto too much, so it’s nice to have a tune that also let’s me stretch up there. I wanted to work that into the song as like a literal movement, likening to being up in the clouds, just a vocal range instead. Wow… deep… thanks Ben.
All in all, this song came together in the early part of an evening, maybe 45 minutes all said and done. I’ve said it before and I mean it, when a song is coming, you need to be ready to catching it like a catcher and a fastball (I know my sports). It’s coming fast and if you don’t give it all of your attention it won’t leave you with anything other than a bruised ego and a sense of loss.
Voice Memos
Notebook Page.
May. 2022
Won't you tell me all the ways you been flying
Itch to get my feet off the ground
Tell me all the ways you been flying
I'll catch you when you come back down
The birds up in the sky they are lucky
Glide beneath your wings and the sun
Swimming in the shade, yea they got it made
How I wish a bird I was one
Won't you tell me all the ways you been flying
Itch to get my feet off the ground
Tell me all the ways you been flying
I'll catch you when you come back down
The clouds they are whispering wonders
Trying their best to stroll near
Lay with us a while, rest your bones here in style
It's nice to have an angel up here
Won't you tell me all the ways you been flying
Itch to get my feet off the ground
Tell me all the ways you been flying
I'll catch you when you come back down
The people alone in their houses
Cover their gray face and eyes
Tears rolling down, surprised by the color
You're spreading all over the skies
Won't you tell me all the ways you been flying
Itch to get my feet off the ground
Tell me all the ways you been flying
I'll catch you when you come back down