“Cold Easy” - a song about irascibility

This was a co-write with Charlie Argo and Eric Erdman, two Alabama/Nashville songwriters that I think are just plain badass. Check them out!

Story Pairing

Co-writing is a thing that I hear so much about from my friends in Nashville. They meet up on a regular basis just to hang with other songwriters and write. I love the idea, just don’t have a lot of experience with it. Living in northeast OH keeps you somewhat separate from the cities that are known as industry cities for this line of work. I’d love to live in an area surrounded by songwriters and musicians, but the increase in cost just isn’t something I can stomach right now… so instead I tour. I get to cross paths with amazing artists in amazing places and then come home to a cheap cost of living to get ready to do it all again.

As for co-writing with a couple Nashville cats, I was a touch intimidated by the concept and was curious if that unused muscle would pull its weight in a “session”. Turns out I had no reason to be anything other than content to hang out with a couple great people and talk through ideas. It was awesome to see what would be a typical lyrical hangup or idea wall get smashed down by another skilled writer. It made for a pretty fast process and the final product is something that feels like a shared treasure. I hope to do more co-writing down the line, and keep finding ways to get out of comfort zone with this craft. There are so many approaches to it that it seems like a disservice to not explore as many as I can.

The idea for this tune was snatched out of conversation around having a hard to please relationship, how no matter what’s done to keep things “warm” the other dancer is always “cold” and impossible to please.

We recorded this in the backyard at KY Nashville Connection.

Song Structure


Verse - E / A / E

Pre Chorus - B / A / B / A

Chorus - E / A / E / B / E

Bridge - B / A / B / A

Voice Memos

Notebook Page

August 2024


Sitting in the sunshine

Soaking up the rays

I reach out to take her hand, she pulls it right away

Sure it was something I said

To Make it all change

I feel like a dark cloud to her sky of blue

Always one slight breeze away from a storm front coming through

My baby gets cold easy

My baby gets cold easy

The heat we had, gone like that

Feels like 20 below

My baby gets cold easy

Take it to the house

Lay some blankets on the floor

Try to stoke a fire, but I've seen this scene before

Should-coulda said less

Coulda-shoulda done more

No matter what I set that thermostat to

Mercury keeps on dropping, there's nothing I can do

My baby gets cold easy

My baby gets cold easy

The heat we had, gone like that

Feels like 20 below

My baby gets cold easy

In my mind I'm trying to please her

In hers I'm a flame in a freezer

My baby gets cold easy

My baby gets cold easy

The heat we had, gone like that

Feels like 20 below

My baby gets cold easy

My baby gets cold easy

My baby gets cold easy

My baby gets cold

Thank you to my Patreon folks that help fund the time and equipment that goes into making these songs and publishing the process. If you believe in original music and would like to be a part of it, feel free to join us here.


“Happy Happy” - a song about obsession


“Cry For Me” - a song about delusion